Okay, what do these visitors do on their last day here? We play and have a grand time before the --- oh oh wet stuff comes.
Daisy had a bath and as you can see, she is saying - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
You are not taking a photo of me when I look like this - are you?
Well, Daisy had a tether on her to make sure she couldn't get out allowing her to comfortably sit in the tub without hurting herself so she can't get out giving me the time to do a quick click.
A tether is simply a suction cup with a soft cloth noose that goes around her neck preventing her from jumping up. It makes bathing easier and by using one, they get used to not jumping and eventually you can wash them without ever using one.
Nevr, never leave a dog alone though even with a tether on. You must be extra careful with our Havanese.

But the story continues..
This woman that I snuggle with each night washes then rinses me then conditions and rinses me.
She then takes a photo - a quick click. Then she brushes me while I am in this tub - but please...
Then she puts me on the floor and I begin to shake and roll all over and I make sure everything she brushed is an absolute mess cause - well that's' what a Havanese does.
Don't I look like I undid all her work? hahahaha

Then she puts me on the table and puts these two dryers on me and I am blown away - well not literally but as you can see, it surely looks that way.
She sprayed this lovely smelling stuff, brushed me and combed me out section by section.
She tells me it takes extra time as we use the dryers on a low setting to keep the hair in good condition.
The dryers she uses doesn't hurt even on a high setting but when using the low setting, the hair stays in better condition but takes longer to do. But that's okay. I appeased her by being a good girl.

Then finally the dryers stop and I look fabulous, darlink - don't I?
She puts this silly band to take my hair out of my eyes.
Then she lets me out and I proceed to go into the mud to get my feet black.
Well, isn't this what I am supposed to do?
Thats' my story and I am sticking to it. Just a day in the life of a visitor on the last day here.
Now I get to go back to my human mom and cats and tell the cats what I learned.
Those humans at Talemaker even taught me 'no bark'. Each time I stopped, I got a little treat. Now I get to rest after a fun filled visit. heheheh
Daisy will be back for a few days next week. KitKat will be back Friday and we will keep talking puppies. So - come back - will ya?
PS: One of Wasabi's pups and her pack mate Max is coming in a week from Friday for a weekend visit. Now how cool is THAT?