Treasure likes to play with all of the pups.
Abigail is smitten with one particular boy.
We haven't figured it out yet but she's just relentless. That's the boy she plays with and if he doesn't want to - well she tries and tries and tries.
Right now we take the crew out to play on an average of 3 or 4 times. It varies where. We always do a play session before bed (it tuckers them out) and we do several during the day.
This will also help them to feel comfie in new environments - which seems to be going fine so far. They do go into a short fear period where you have to put their paw on something and say silly dawg or silly gal or whatever you want to use and this will become your keyword if something is new and a tad overwhelming - they know if you say these words - it's okay.
Even into adulthood, they can show some concern about something and will exhibit it by barking at it, backing away or even growling. Use the keywords - act as nothing is wrong - even if you think it is and handle the situation without any anxiety and your dawg will be fine.
When Abigail was a bit over a year she met a 3 legged dog that hopped. It scared the dickens out of her and until that point, nothing upset her in the least. We happen to be visiting another breeder, Paula at her hotel and she does rescue. She commented that initially that is a usual reaction. She had never seen a 3 legged dog since but if she had, she would have been conditioned to it - realize there was nothing to fear and with my reaction - and saying 'silly girl' she would have known it was silly. This keyword business doesn't work unless they trust you and you have not coddled them and actually inadvertently fostered their fears.
Our old lady golden has fears of thunderstorms and I do not pet and coddle her. I take her outside to do her business. I do turn up the TV and shut the blinds but other than that, I act as if there wasn't a storm and go about my business not paying any attention to her being fearful. It's hard to do but the best thing you can ever do for them. You are better off doing a refocus than a 'poor you' as you have to help them find their coping skills.
None of the Havanese thus far have had a fear over the storms though that really bad one, Abigail did bark at one - so she was concerned. we thought it was so loud it was going to hit close. Even I jump and I LOVE storms but after getting over my own jumpiness - I embraced the storm and acted silly and so did Abigail - feeding off what signals I was sending her way.
They trust me but that trust was built via obedience, training, playing games, walking - anything can turn into a - can I trust you to be the one that handles things without getting me upset.

The play session the pups had last night - if you notice - one is sitting there not upset but not her usual happy self. They were playing a - 'I got you' - hahaha I won. Not to worry - she got him back. This is how they learn how far they can go with everything. Momma Wasabi teaches them. Their siblings teach them, the other dogs and we do.
It all comes together and continues with your guidance. You are a critical part of the equation and we are always there to lend you a hand with any insight or support you need. After all - we will have had them for 10 weeks and will have fallen madly in love with them 7 times over - so we genuinely care.
7 weeks old wow!! We are on the active road of getting pups to eat food a little more solid as they go and eating from mom rarely and then not at all. It's hard for mom and for pups but they do make that transition and it does help with their sleeping the night.