At least I got in all the cushions in preparation. Who knows with this weather.
The puppies are smarter than ever.
I have my screen door with a doggie door in it and they were trying to open it up to go outside.
I thought to myself - nah never but various ones keep at it.
They were watching the big dawgs go out and learning. The thing is the pups learn good and bad so you have to stay on top of them to guide them.
No one got out but.....

Too smart for its own good - I say!
The pups had a play session out on the kitchen that lasted about 45 minutes and then when they get tuckered out, I put them back in their x-pen.
They take a solid sleep after a play session like this and I do it at least a few times a day.
The pups have teeth so I am going OUCH loudly a great deal so they can learn.
Pups are no longer sore from their shots and microchips.
You can click on any of the photos to see a larger view.

They are rarely feeding from mom and not at night any longer. She lets them feed for 3 minutes about twice a day if that. By next week she will have them totally weaned.
It helps that Nathan is not here cause I can do this tough love thing and get them sleeping all night and not eating from mom. Oh, he would do it too but it would be a slower process. It's not that my heart isn't as big - it's just that I know as a mom you got to get from A to Z.
It's difficult when it's plain easier and you want to just love them up but it's our job to get them ready for you.

Only a couple of weeks till they go. Not sure how we are going to part with them.
But as I said to someone - then they come back for a visit and we see how happy they are and we go - we did right.
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