Now we have puppies interested in it as well. Not all cat toys are safe for your dog but some like this one after removing the cardboard that is used for scratching is. It's cheap too.
We also get some bird toys as they are rugged and can be chewed on during that teething stage.
Let's see - the pups are getting conditioned to storms - vacuum cleaners, mops, we grass. They have seen a fair number of dogs and people and we will continue to expose them to help them to be balanced but it's also your job to continue that.
They won't have their 2nd shots when they go home so no parks or walking around pet stores etc but you CAN expose them to friends minus their dogs and you can walk them in your arms in a pet store and have kids and adults give them a treat. After their next shot, it is wise to start getting them on that floor to meet and greet safe dogs and get exposed to all sorts of things.
If you put in the effort to expose them, they will be much better off. It MUCH easier when done when young vs. getting them conditioned when older. Both are doable but why wait. Show off your dog and enjoy. Just do it after their 12 week shots.
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