We moved Fiona and the pups down to my office.
Nathan was afraid they would be too cold - but not so in this office - plus we have a heat lamp.
I have Treasure in this room so the gal in heat can be watched without 3 of us managing everyone.

Thanks to our son who walked the dogs last night a couple at a time with Nathan taken those he didn't.
He even managed to get Whitney around the block and do the night duty with Fiona and the pups while I took most of the gals and Nathan took most of the boys for the first solid sleep.
Pups are all 3 days old now. Does time fly. They are all gaining or maintaining and we are weighing them twice a day. We will go to once a day on the 7th day mark.
What tidbit do I know about the pups? The cream/gold one eats the longest of all the pups.
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