Pups are 1 6 ounces - other 3 5 ounces - not small as suspected.
One was breach - the first one and she did scream a curdling cry many times - my poor heart listening and trying to help. She would push it out and you could see a tail wagging them bring it back in. It hurt but as soon as Nathan got the sack off, the gal was moving unbelievably looking for a nipple. The rest all came out relatively fast and all very active.
All placentas made it out. No tummy on the Fiona - a real light weight now. Now we are concentraing on getting her milk in and we are really doing well.
Fiona will only let Wasabi near her and Wasabi is sooooooo excited to see the pups. I wish she would let Treasure near her but she won't. That would help with the maneuvering we have to do with Treasure in heat.
If Kat barks one more time... Well, anyone with a male intact and females intact and you are not using him or sending him out - well it's ^&*( crazy.
More latere. have to get up and relieve Nathan. He has night time duty. Thanks to our son for handling the boy...Kat.
awwwww Fiona had her pups, well done!!! im sure she is so tired, im delighted they are all healthy, hugzz to Fiona :)