It's nice when a mom relaxes enough to realize the others won't hurt their little ones.
The crew had 2 outings outside and on one of them, I swear the wind was going to blow them away - well it felt that way but they were okay.
Mom is trying to totally wean them off of her now and they are eating up a storm.
This week they go for their hearing test and first shots.
Check out this pileup with Saki. The pups totally adored her as they did Jasper and Chewy.
The pups are truly enjoying the beds especially the ones they can hide and snuggle in. When we come into the room, they get way excited.
I am now grooming them up on my grooming table daily - cleaning around their eyes, checking their teeth coming in, checking bums, looking at ears etc all to get them used to the experience. They aren't crazy about it but that's usual and they do get used to it.
Mom is no longer sleeping with them at night. The transition to go to their forever homes have already begun even though they still have a bit to go.
Slow conditioning is the key.