Yes, this pup was saying - Mommy, you can't come out.
You see, she wanted to eat from Mom and Mom has decided to wean them. Why? Well - they have teeth. Oh, she feeds them the odd time when she gets full of milk but that's not often.
She does play all sorts of fun games with them and she adores them. Good thing a couple of them will be here til December 3rd/4th - one to someone that won't be back till then and a show home for the other. We figure it is easier with two otherwise we would have to spoil and take her to bed with us and then what can they do but do the same. heh
Two will be going home in 2 and a half weeks - way too soon for me but probably not for their forever homes.
The crew no longer has Mom in with them at night nor any of us humans. They are in a room across from our bedrooms in hearing distance and this is on purpose to get them to sleep the night. They hear us get up in the morning and rarely whine for us but there are the odd times they do when they are extra hungry.
Usually they sit all together in the x-pen in the crate awaiting us to bring them downstairs. They eat - they do their business then go back to sleep.
They will soon be up playing up a storm. Their rowdy play has kicked up a notch.
Come this week they will get a hearing test called Baer and their first shot. They will be nose diving down the stairs though human Daddy has worried that they are still too little but Wasabi's was stairing it at this point - (have to check).
Lots of changes...and the two going home will be due for their 2nd shots right away.
We are also planning an Abigail and Wasabi litter so stay tuned and then we may concentrate on doing some fun things with our dogs like rally. We shall see.
It's ok if you cuddle in bed with our little one (how can you resist after all) as that is where she will be with us too!!!