It finally warmed up a bit and the rain stopped to allow us to get the pups outside. Nathan did it on a whim so I didn't have the video charged etc. but I did manage to get a few pictures.

Fiona decided to run on the cover to get them to play but seeing they are less than 2 lbs, they were sort of bouncing all over. They didn't quite understand it but they were adjusting. She thought this was great fun and they did too but the bouncing cover made them try to balance themselves. All made it off from that first run and then went right back on. Nathan went on the cover to get one or the other but as much as they didn't get the cover, they went right back on.

Eventually they would get their sea legs till mom would jump on it again so we decided grass was better perhaps?

This one seemed to get her sea legs the quickest and didn'y pay any attention to the bounce, perhaps even enjoying it.

The rocks felt funny to this one but she soon adjusted. All these sights and sounds and feelings - all rather new.

These humans sure have a funny thing they do with what they call conditioning but it was fun.

Then after this 10 minute romp, off to the house we went and canine mom continued the play inside. She surely is enjoying this crew and it's easy to see why.
Cute! Cute! Cute! They are soooo beautiful and ever so cute!