I remember when Risa had her pups (Kat was born). She looked and acted as if they were martians - the whole litter.
Wow has times changed. She was playing up a storm with the pups and them with her. It was really nice to watch.

I just adore their play now and so do the older crew. We are starting to see the mischievous part of their personalities come out. It does your heart good.

Can you believe the pups are 9 weeks old? They do get to that 10 plus week too fast. It seems as if it was just the other day when Fiona wouldn't leave them alone and just thought she did something better than anything else in the world. She had... her little miracle.
Nothing like pups. Crazy fun times was had by all. Steps - up and down clumsily - not so for Mia and Penny but they are all getting there. They all do and timing doesn't mean a thing except a desire to be somewhere and not think about the process. Ah...puppies...
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