Wasabi tends to mope around and bounces back about a week later. We are hoping Fiona is like Risa who 'gets' that the crew is leaving the nest and there are benefits too when you are an empty nester. We shall see.
We expected Abigail and Wasabi to be in heat already but they are holding out. I figure they will come in at Xmas - just watch and that will mean it will be me and the dawgs for a few days as Wasabi is getting bred to a stunning dog up north and Nathan will be visiting if it happens then as Xmas means boarders here. We shall see.
The pups had a VERY busy day. They are snoozing deep now.
Remember your dogs will go through a couple of fear periods. If they put their tail down or squeak or react in a hesitant manner around new people, gently have various people hold your little one. Give them kisses. Treat them and make people a warm experience.
Some dogs will bark at strange dogs. You must learn to do a proper meet and greet. We can show you.
They will be what they experience. If something goes wrong, don't coddle but move forward and it will soon be a thing of the past.
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