She's doing well concentrating on the others and boy are they interesting. One looked grey at birth - now all look black with a tad white but that can change.
We are doing the switch off with sleep - taking time to do walks with others - playing with the others - got to get to grooming - lots on our plate and we were supposed to go to our daughter-in-laws graduation and am fried and can't but want to.
I have to say - this has been an emotional time but the pups are gorgeous - Wasabi is amazing though a real mess after eating placentas and giving birth. But she has more important things to do than get looking great.
Last night - 2 of the pups were born half in and half out - heads first and she didn't push but they were eating half in and half out - what a site. No amount of coaxing got her to push till she was ready.
More later when I am coherent. And..it's raining... Pups are eating well...so we celebrate what is and are sad for what wasn't.
Bear with us til we get our balance here.
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