When it gets closer to the time, they tend to look for a suitable place to have their babies. They pull up the blankets - pule them up so neat and messy and have fun digging and creating what they think is the best spot to have their pups.
Wasabi has been doing this for quite sometime but more lately. She just digs at our covers on our couch trying to create a nest. It's a riot to watch and then she plunks herself down when it's all done to her liking and says there...
If you fix it the process will start again.
Are you going to give us a step by step for Wasabi when she is starting labour. Kemi is nesting now under the bed Terry is sleeping in now. I put her in the whelping box. She is very hot these days and so I am soaking the cooling pad. The one with the crystals in it that swell up and get soft but retain the water for a while and she sleeps on it. At least she did last summer.