Monday, July 27, 2009

First Visit Outside

Well, the gals got their first time outside but the boys haven't yet. They don't know what they are missing but will soon find out. The crew is all snoozin' and I suspect it won't be till much later when they wake up. Depending on the weather, the boys may not make it out till tomorrow. We shall see.

We had the pleasure of Linda and Bob visiting and we had an excuse to take the 2 gals out.

They have been on the list the longest waiting since Wasabi was bred the time before this.

Kat was even checking his gals out. Now that they are walking around - all the dogs are highly interested - even those that didn't show much interest early on.

Kat especially likes the gals. Go figure...

The dogs enjoyed the pups so much that human Daddy had to tell Treasure that she can't flatten them in play.

Today was the day of the firsts. They also each had a full bath. They actually didn't need it. Mom has been keeping them real clean with our help but our goal is to get them conditioned to baths to make it easier for their forever homes. My goal is to give them 4 full baths before they go to their forever homes.

I didn't hear a peep from any of them even when they sat in water and was shampooed and conditioned up. I think the most uncomfortable part was being wet and waiting for the dryer to dry them but I packed the crate with extra blankets - they settled in while one of my dryers blew them partially dry as I took one at a time out of the crate and used a comb on them and rubbed them dry while the dryer was pointing at them. As you can see in this photo, they didn't mind a bit.

As always, you can click on a photo to see a larger view.

We really enjoyed our visit with Linda and Bob and now to get some work done before the pups are up again. Can't wait.

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