Someone asked me - what do the pups do all day? This is what our day is like at the 2.5 week stage.
Our son stays up with Wasabi and crew - though not needed now all night. That will stop after the heat stage with Fiona is over. We felt it was waning yesterday and maybe today is the day. We are hoping so then Kat can sleep with us too. He's been staying with Wasabi and the son all night.
Wasabi keeps the pups clean and feeds them. She also nuzzles them - moves from one side of the whelping box to another on purpose to get their little legs moving. Everything is planned to help their development.
Each morning we change out the whelping pad although it doesn't feel as if it needs it at this stage, it's a ritual that I do to keep it clean.
We then weigh them - now down to every few days vs daily as we were early on.
We also do a
program to develop high achievers. Here is what we do as you can see in our last Wasabi crew. We feel this is important to help them be all they can be. We also will start introducing them to sounds, different textures and testing them further as time goes on.
As the day goes on, Wasabi eats several meals a day from her usual 2 to help her with nourishing the crew.
About now the pups are sleeping 2.5 hours to 3+ hours at a time. As they grow and their tummies get full, the time extends. As they get older, we ignore the play - pay attention to the sounds that warrant attention and extend their sleep time at night. Wasabi knows when her pups need her and when they are just wanting attention. If you give it to them when it is not play time and all they want is play - well they will never sleep through the night. So, just like infants - we slowly extend the sleep time til they are sleeping a solid chunk of time at night before they go home to you. With 7 kids - we have had much practice with this routine and know the difference between a cry - I really need you to a - I just want to get attention.
At 4+ weeks, we will take them outside daily and get them familiar with the grass, the deck, the garden and walkways.
This is also the time that they start eating mush. It also means their output increases so we need to help with the cleanup. Toys are exchanged during this time. A crate is put in so they get acquainted with one along with a carrying case. We also have tunnels and all sorts of fun things for the pups to experience. This is the time of MUCH work till they learn about puppy pads, going outside and much more.
Mom also teaches then a great deal between the 3+ and 10 week stage.
We plan to get them into the pool and take lots of videos. Seeing I just found my charging cord - I can do that. Though it's tedious to convert - its a job of love.
The pups change daily. They will have milestones that we will post and they are exciting. Never do puppies change so much as in that 3+ week to going home stage.
It's a lot of work but then it gets easier as they mature. We do it not only as a labour of love but in hopes we give them the very best base they could possibly get.
Puppies - nothing like them!