We sleep upstairs these days with the humans and we go downstairs during the day. Some folks use just one area - we use 2. I will tell you why.
The pups are close to us night and day but we are on the bed. We can hear them if they need us but not right on top of them. The next stage as they get older is they will sleep in a room right across the door from our room. This will help them with the transition going from our home to yours.
But in the meanwhile, Nathan just finished taking them upstairs. I took everything out, put it in the washer, sterilized the floor (hot steam), benefect and parvocide. I then redo the x-pen similar but different. Each day they look at a variety of similar but different environments so they find their comfort with the things that they know and get slow conditioned daily to the things that are new. We do this to help them to be all they can be. You have the rest of the job - which will continue.
Three pups went on the pad today. Do they know what it is? Probably not but once there is a scent there, they tend to go to it. There were many accidents elsewhere but we are starting this process. If we see them trying to go, we immediately put them on the pad. I don't say anything. They wouldn't get it at this point but they do get actions.
Who gets to clean this up? We do. We do leave a partially wet pad in the x-pen on purpose to get them to understand but if it is used halfway - that's MY limit, I start anew. Eventually they shouldn't need the smell but will they be 100% - it depends on the pup. Each trains at various rates. It isn't intelligence. It just is what it is. They all get there if you are consistent.
I gave Wasabi food that isn't her usual - and the pups bowels changed so I was cleaning bums. Silly me for giving Wasabi a treat but I will do it many more times so they adjust to running water on their bottom and a dryer. Only 2 had to have this process done.
They laid in my hands and didn't flinch a bit at water or the dryer. That wasn't the case with the last crew so this is a bonus. I bathe them several times before they leave on purpose to make sure they are conditioned to the bath. I also use a brush on them. their nails get cut. I open their toes to look between, look in their ears, clean around their eyes. I do this even if it is not needed. It's called slow conditioning.
We do a lot to get them a grand head start. We will even play storm music, bang pans, drop things - vacuum etc.
We also keep their environment clean and them so they appreciate clean and it makes housebreaking easier.
But most of all, we sit in the pen. We play with them. We snuggle. We simply love them. It's hard not to...
Well off to bed to start it again tomorrow.
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