Then I get to wash Wasabi while they catch their zzz's. I didn't have much time early on - just a sprucing up as they didn't sleep long enough but these days with a 3 to 4 hour window - all is much easier.
What changes are going on with the pups? They are growing. They recognize toys and are fascinated when I shake and move them and even go after them. They react to noise - a clap will get them turning around. They play with each other and it's way cute - not that rough and tumble but those paws on back, rolling around and so cute. They all can climb out of the box but we are allowing it. We have pads down so it's soft and it strengthens their legs. All Mom has to do is get close and they smell her. Read about an article I wrote on their ability to smell here. You will learn all bunch of fascinating things about their sense of smell.
Well off to weigh and cut nails then wash Wasabi..then our 2 visitors as they will be heading home. Life will be quieter - I suppose - sniff.
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