When you said you would show it all - messy and all - didn't you mean it? Well - you got it!
I am still looking for my charger but I did have enough time on the camera to get the past few days recorded - just a few snippets.
The pups have started their games of rough housing and they are trying to walk. The little fellow that is really working at it has grey, yep grey around his nose. I suspect he will grey out like his dad but time will tell. Others got hints of it but not so obvious as his. It will look rather becoming once their nose color comes in totally.
We hope you enjoy the video. Not the huge action scenes you will see once they totally master the walk but this is early for them to be doing that drunken walk that they start out with. Mom will even go in to feed them and get up and move to another position in the box. When you realize she is doing it on purpose to help strengthen their muscles - well you say - you go gal.
Wasabi is an incredible mom. Sometimes she simply sits there and watches and has this - oh I am so proud face on her. I don't blame her.
All pups have their eyes open. They have hit the 2 week mark - even those born after midnight on the Sunday. Check out the video.
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